We had our 22 week appointment with the anatomy ultrasound yesterday. Baby A is weighing in at 1lb 3oz and baby B is weighing in at 1lb 4oz. Last time we had their anatomy checked was four weeks ago and baby B was 10% smaller so he has passed up baby A by 4%. They are both growing well but the doctor did have one concern at this visit. The babies both have extra amniotic fluid so he is sending us to Utah Valley to see the Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists on Friday June 19th. Jeremy was able to get the day off so we will just drive up there and drive home the same day. My doctor said he felt comfortable with me driving that far as long as I took frequent rest stops. He said that if the doctors up at Utah Valley are concerned then I may need to stay up there so the can resume my care. I can't imagine being away from my husband. Have I told you all how wonderful my husband is? He is my best friend and my number one fan. This morning he got up and went to Wal-Mart at 6am to get me some boost (while I was sleeping). He read that an increase in protein intake can help reduce excess fluid. That is just one example of how wonderful he is. I don't know what I would do without him.
We have our house put back together after all the painting Jeremy did last weekend...it looks great! I still need to do some decorating so I probably won't post any pictures until then. I will have to take it easy again with this extra fluid so that my membranes don't rupture or put into preterm labor. We always like to play on the safe side. We will give you an update after we get back from Utah Valley...Please keep the babies in your prayers!
Love Ya
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